"Moebius" was originally a stage design for the renowned "Unlimited" festival in the "old slaughterhouse" in Wels, Austria. An international festival for experimental music...
Run to the sea
“At sea you experience things, inhale the impressions. No time for photos and no hands free either. The moments burn themselves all the deeper, becoming an inner image; at some point...
s ́ Sophal*
and the jump into cold water.
An audiovisual collaboration between the artist collective “Redestrukt” and the band “Okabre”.
Characteristic Loki
Rub yourself against yourself. I had no topic and so these canvases became the image of my friction...
Mushini Forest
a silent dance of light with the banner of shadow & the sensation of the moment...
Peter Sellars performed an impressive new production of Mozart's opera "Idomeneo" at the Salzburg Festival in 2019. This performance was characterized by modern, creative interpretations and contemporary elements
Inner mountains
Starting from a fundamental examination of resistance, doubt, loss, death and life itself, a month-long journey begins through the stone deserts of the Dead Mountains - lined with the fascination of a primal force and the tangible remnants of thousands of years of history...
departure; break open
On the one hand, the term describes leaving, setting off for new shores and the associated personal, spatial or geographical change.
On the other hand...
"When I don't have a studio and I'm traveling, a book like this becomes my informal playground"...
But suddenly creatures appeared that looked like never-before-seen animals. Very sublime in her posture and dignified, every curve of her powerful and at the same time elegant creation...